Learn about ten foods that help fight cancer

 Learn about ten foods that help fight cancer

Learn about ten foods that help fight cancer

Studies indicate that certain types of food are linked to reducing the risk of cancer, and even preventing it, so it is necessary to pay attention to eating these foods, as much as possible, and to benefit from the natural protection provided by God, the Almighty, in such foods, and here are the 10 best varieties of these Food, as explained by Dr. Ahmed Baybars, a nutrition expert:

Studies indicate that certain types of food are linked to reducing the risk of cancer, and even preventing it, so it is necessary to pay attention to eating these foods, as much as possible, and to benefit from the natural protection provided by God, the Almighty, in such foods, and here are the 10 best varieties of these Food, as explained by Dr. Ahmed Baybars, a nutrition expert:

Vegetables from the cruciferous family:

This family includes many plants, such as local cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, salad cabbage (red cabbage), turnip, and radish, and is characterized by the fact that it contains special compounds that have anti-cancer properties (such as indole, glucosinolates, dithiolthione, sulforaphane, flavonoids, isothiocyanates, phenols, and vitamins A, E, and C). Inhibiting the activity of cancer-causing substances, and it is preferable to eat them in their natural form, whenever possible, to obtain these anti-cancer health benefits.


Fish contains many minerals necessary for the functioning of the immune system, and thus provides the best protection for the body against cancerous diseases, so it is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week, and you should avoid frying it in oil when eating it.

Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries:

In addition to being rich in fiber and vitamin C, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are the first natural source of anthocyanin, an antioxidant that fights the damage caused by cancer-causing free radicals. Studies have revealed that eating an amount of blueberries equivalent to one cup per day Improve memory performance, and slow down the occurrence of symptoms of aging.

Tomatoes or tomatoes:

In addition to containing a high level of vitamin C (C), red tomatoes also contain lycopene (which is the reason for the red color of tomatoes), and lycopene is a carotenoid that prevents the oxidation of body cells. The lycopene compound is known for its protective effect against prostate cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, and pancreatic cancer, so experts advise eating the largest possible amount of it, especially in the form of sauce.

Whole grains:

Researchers revealed in a recent study at the University of Iowa, USA, that women who eat whole grains such as (bulgur, oats, brown rice, pasta and bread made from whole wheat flour) have a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease. And in this study, the results of which agreed with 40 other studies conducted on 20 types of cancer diseases, it was found that consuming products made from whole wheat flour reduced the risk of developing these diseases by 33% compared to those who did not eat whole grains.

Citrus fruits:

They include oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and oranges, all of which are rich in vitamin C, in addition to many other compounds with antioxidant properties that help protect the DNA in the body from free radical damage, and thus protect the body from cancer. Orange consumption is associated with a lower risk of stomach and breast cancer in particular.

Pumpkin, squash or pumpkin:

It is a plant from the cucurbit family, which includes zucchini, cucumber, melon, and pumpkin. In addition to being rich in fiber, it is also rich in two important substances (beta-carotene and alpha-carotene). These substances are believed to protect the body from cancers of the skin, lung, breast, bladder, and colon.


Beans contain special compounds of protease-inhibiting substances, and these substances help prevent the penetration of cancer cells into cells, and the good news here, according to research, is that Egyptian beans are the most rich in these distinctive compounds.


Spinach is a distinctive leafy vegetable as it is rich in vitamin C, as well as beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant. There are many studies that looked at the role of spinach in preventing cancer, and most of them indicated that consuming spinach at a rate of two to three times a week reduces the odds of developing lung and breast cancer.

the Garlic:

Garlic has many health benefits because it contains high amounts of sulfur compounds that protect the body from cancerous diseases and slow down their growth.


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