Ten foods you should avoid because they cause gas

 Ten foods you should avoid because they cause gas

Ten foods you should avoid because they cause gas

The question, before going into details, how many gases does a natural person produce? The average daily passing of gas is 14 times for men and women per day..if it exceeds this number, the reason must be sought, and the reasons are many, including the quality of food, such as eating the foods that we mentioned in abundance..and among them are pathological causes such as inflammation of the intestines.

Here are ten foods and drinks that cause intestinal gas:

  1. Beans, beans: Beans - in all its colors from white to red - are among the most gas-provoking foods, as they are one of the legumes known to be gas-exciting because they contain soluble fibers that cause intestinal gases and thus ferment in the intestines, causing severe gases.
  2. Broccoli: It is similar to cauliflower, but it is green. Despite its many benefits to the body, it occupies the second place in the list of the most famous foods that cause bloating and gas. However, this does not necessarily mean giving up eating broccoli completely. It is a nutritious and beneficial food for the body, but it is also useful to eat it in small quantities. It can overcome He ordered the gases it causes to evaporate from 5-10 minutes.
  3. Dairy products: All dairy products cause gas due to the presence of the sugar lactose, but there must be a genetic predisposition in the person in order for them to cause these gases. Dairy products .
  4. Soft drinks: Soft drinks are considered among the most gassy drinks in addition to being rich in calories. Therefore, it is better to avoid them, or at least reduce their consumption to the minimum levels, as they contain other sugary substances that irritate the intestines and thus help the growth of bacteria in a large way, which causes the accumulation of gases.
  5. Foods rich in fiber: Although fiber is necessary for bowel movement, too much fiber may cause gas, and therefore moderation is the key here.
  6. Pasta: Believe it or not, the delicious pasta is responsible for bloating and gases in a large proportion due to the presence of white flour in it, eggs and sugar, as these are three substances from the main causes of gas formation, in addition to that its preparation is often done by boiling, so it becomes a dough that causes intestinal colic as well, so try not to overdo it. To avoid intestinal gas.
  7. Fried foods: Deep fried foods, especially fast food foods, are among the most foods that stimulate intestinal gas, due to frying these foods in excessive oil, in addition to the presence of salts that give a special flavor and taste that lead to the growth and irritation of bacteria in the intestines.
  8. Oatmeal: Oatmeal foods are considered one of the useful and delicious breakfast meals, rich in fiber that lowers cholesterol, in addition to being gas-causing foods. Oats and their products, such as bran, all cause severe intestinal gas because they contain a large amount of soluble fiber. Here, too, there is an allergy to some of the components of oats. If you want to add oatmeal to your diet to benefit from its health benefits, add it gradually and in limited quantities, so that your body can adapt to it. If you are a fan of oat bran, try replacing it with wheat bran, which is rich in insoluble fiber, which does not cause any intestinal problems.
  9. Vegetables: The sugars in some vegetables may cause gas when digested. Onions and artichokes contain fructose, while asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage and cabbage contain raffinose. Also, vegetables that contain soluble fiber, such as peas, cause gases, because they are digested in the large intestine. Also here, we emphasize that the genetic predisposition must be present in order for gases to occur from these foods.
  10. Fruits: Some types of fruits contain sorbitol sugar, which causes severe gases, and among the most famous of these fruits are peaches, peaches, pears, and apples. Sugar-free gum and candy are also sweetened with sorbitol, so they may cause some gas. Some fruits also contain soluble fiber, which causes gas when digested as a by-product. Also here we emphasize that genetic predisposition must be present for gas to occur from these foods.


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