Five natural sources of vitamin D other than sunlight

 Five natural sources of vitamin D other than sunlight

Five natural sources of vitamin D other than sunlight

It is known that vitamin D is necessary for bone health, in addition to other benefits shown by recent research, such as protection against colds and colds, combating depression, and also strengthening memory.

If you are not exposed to enough sunlight as a result of a modern lifestyle or for any other reason, if you also have trouble absorbing vitamin D, you may not be getting enough of it.

Here are other natural ways other than the sun and vitamin supplements to ensure your body needs vitamin D:

Firstly, fatty fish.

  1. Salmon, tuna, mackerel and eel are among the best options available and rich in vitamin D. Of course, they are always recommended as fresh as possible.
  2. For example, every 85 grams of red salmon provides about 450 international units of vitamin D, which is a large percentage of the 600 international units that doctors recommend taking daily.
  3. So if you are over the age of 70, you need 800 international units of vitamin D daily.
  4. Secondly, canned food may be an alternative to fresh fish, such as canned tuna. Fresh fish isn't the only way to boost your vitamin D intake, you can get your needs from canned tuna and sardines as well.
  5. Each two fish of canned sardines contains 40 international units of vitamin D, and every 113 grams of light tuna contains 150 international units of the vitamin, while other types of canned tuna contain 50 international units per 113 grams.
  6. Thirdly, portobello mushrooms. Mushrooms or (mushrooms), like humans, have the ability to produce vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  7. One of the types of mushrooms that contain vitamin "D" is portobello, and each 85 grams contains 400 international units of vitamin "D".
  8. You can take other types of mushrooms or honey mushrooms, as they are called, as they also contain amounts of vitamin D.
  9. Fourth, the egg yolk. One egg yolk contains 40 international units of vitamin D.
  10. Therefore, it is recommended to eat the whole egg, not just its white, but do not try to get all your vitamin needs through eggs only, because each egg contains 200 mg of cholesterol, and the American Heart Association recommends not eating more than 300 mg per day of it, so if you have any An imbalance or an increase in the level of fats in the blood, so you should beware of eating egg yolks.
  11. Fifthly, beef liver.
  12. Every 100 grams of beef liver contains 50 international units of vitamin D. Beef liver is also a source of vitamin A, iron and protein.
  13. But you also have to be careful in eating it because it is difficult to digest sometimes.
  14. All of the above sources must be accompanied by good absorption from the intestines, and the largest source of this vitamin remains the appropriate healthy food and exposure to sunlight, directly or indirectly.


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