Learn about the causes of sudden rash in adults

 Learn about the causes of sudden rash in adults

Learn about the causes of sudden rash in adults

Why does the rash appear suddenly in adults? The rash is a symptom of many different health conditions, and it appears in the form of swelling or irritation in the skin, which in many cases causes redness and pain in the area, and in some cases it may be accompanied by the appearance of pimples.

The causes of sudden rash appearance in adults are as follows:

  • Food allergy is the reaction of the immune system that occurs after eating even a small amount of a specific food that causes allergies in some, and it is represented by swelling of the airways, the appearance of a rash, or the occurrence of problems in the digestive system, and the most common symptoms of food allergy are the following: the appearance of a rash Swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat, or other body parts. Nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, or wheezing. Abdominal pain or suffering from nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Itching or numbness inside the mouth. Suffering from dizziness, light-headedness, or fainting.
  • Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis occurs in some hours or days after exposure of the skin to sunlight or an irritant, and results in the appearance of a rash that may itch or redden to the affected area. Contact dermatitis is one of the most common causes of rashes, and it may occur as a result of Exposure or contact with the following materials: dyes in clothes. Chemicals in rubber or latex. makeup. Soap and laundry detergent. Some poisonous plants such as poison oak, poison ivy, or poison sumac.
  • Medications A drug rash is the body's reaction to a certain type of medication, which may appear immediately or a few weeks after taking the medication for the first time, and varies in severity from a mild rash that may cause only redness and itching of the skin, to a serious rash, and it is worth noting that the type of rash Dermatoses that result in this condition depend on the drug that causes it and the body's response to it. Symptoms of a drug rash include hives, or small purple or red dots on the skin. swelling or itching of the skin; Breathing difficulty. rapid heartbeat Fever. upset stomach
  • Insect bites and stings Insect bites or stings may cause a rash and a reaction that varies in nature depending on the body of the infected person and the causative animal. Symptoms often include: rash and redness. Swelling, which is either localized at the site of the bite or sting, or on a larger scale. the pain. itching


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