Learn about the health and body benefits of eating lemon with its peel

 Learn about the health and body benefits of eating lemon with its peel

Learn about the health and body benefits of eating lemon with its peel

Lemon Lemon is an acidic fruit rich in phenolic compounds, minerals, vitamins, carotenoids, and dietary fiber. It is one of the fruits necessary and beneficial for the health of the body. Lemon can be eaten peeled, added to foods, drunk as juice, or eaten with its peel.

The benefits of eating lemon with its peel include:

  1. Reduces blood cholesterol; it contains flavonoids and polyphenols. It can increase bone strength and density because it contains a high percentage of calcium and vitamin C, which prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.
  2. It boosts the immune system, as it contains essential elements that help the body fight infection, treat sore throats, influenza, and colds.
  3. It improves digestion, as it contains a high amount of dietary fiber that prevents indigestion.
  4. It prevents mouth and gum problems, such as bleeding and inflammation of the gums, and scurvy.
  5. Fights free radicals that cause some health problems, including aging, and some types of cancer. It improves the skin, and protects it from black spots, acne, and skin pigmentation.
  6. It helps to lose excess weight, as it contains pectin, which turns into a gel that prevents the body from absorbing large amounts of sugar, thus maintaining an ideal weight.
  7. It helps to treat damaged hair, so it strengthens it, moisturizes it, and increases its growth. This is done by mixing three quarters of a cup of olive oil with half a cup of honey, and three tablespoons of lemon juice, then applying the mixture to the hair, covering it for thirty minutes, then washing it well.
  8. Reduces high blood pressure, as it contains potassium that maintains blood pressure by balancing fluids within the body.
  9. It increases the shine and cleanliness of the nails, and this is done by mixing two tablespoons of lemon juice with a tablespoon of toothpaste, then using a small brush to scrub the nails with it, leaving it for two minutes and then washing it.
  10. Benefits of lemon for the skin: It helps to get rid of dead skin by mixing equal amounts of lemon, honey, and olive oil, then applying the mixture to the face and neck, leaving it to dry and then washing it, or squeezing a grain of lemon and adding a spoonful of sugar to it with a little water and olive oil. Then, apply the mixture to the face using a cotton pad.
  11. It helps to reduce wrinkles by mixing lemon juice with honey, and a drop of sweet almond oil, then applying the mixture to the face, leaving it for twenty minutes and washing it.


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