Learn about the benefits and methods of using pomegranate peel for hair

 Learn about the benefits and methods of using pomegranate peel for hair

Learn about the benefits and methods of using pomegranate peel for hair

How do I use pomegranate peel for hair? The pomegranate tree grows to a height of several meters, and produces beautiful red flowers that ripen to turn into spherical fruits, containing seeds of great benefit. Pomegranate peel can also be used, as it is useful in treating some diseases related to the digestive system, especially Colitis, in addition to its use in some hair mixtures and recipes.

How to use pomegranate peel for hair:

  • Cut the pomegranate peel into small pieces, then put it in a quantity of water on a low heat, and let it boil well until the water turns into a thick liquid, then turn off the heat, and leave the mixture until it cools completely, then put it in a spray bottle, and spray it on the hair until it becomes wet, Using a brush, we stir the mixture on the scalp, cover it with a plastic bag for forty minutes, then wash it with water and shampoo as usual, and repeat the experiment for thirty days until we get the good result. A tablespoon of buttermilk can be added to the mixture if the hair is greasy in order to reduce the percentage of hair loss. The oils secreted by the scalp, in addition to the possibility of mashing an avocado and adding it to the mixture if the hair is dry.
  • Mix three tablespoons of pomegranate peel, three tablespoons of pomegranate blossom, three tablespoons of chamomile powder, three tablespoons of ground tea, lemon juice, one and a half tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, three grains of grated carrots, one and a half tablespoons of henna powder, And a little hot water, then put the mixture on the hair, and leave it for about three hours until we get a good result in dyeing the hair in a natural blonde color, and we repeat the experiment three times a week.
  • We grind a quantity of pomegranate peel, mix it with hair henna, put it on it, and leave it for about an hour, as it is one of the recipes that treat hair loss.
  • We put an amount of pomegranate peel in a quantity of water on a low heat, and leave it until it boils and becomes a thick mixture, then we leave it until it cools down, and we mix it with olive oil before we put it on the hair for fifteen minutes.

The benefits of pomegranate peel for hair include:

  1. It prevents falling by strengthening its roots.
  2. Helps treat baldness.
  3. Promotes hair growth naturally.
  4. Increases hair density.
  5. Nourishes the hair and provides it with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
  6. Prevents premature graying.
  7. Treats most scalp diseases.
  8. Treats dandruff and itching problem.
  9. It is used to dye hair in a natural red color.


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